Dennis Fanton
Oil Paintings
Giclee Prints
Spring Fever 16x20 giclee print available
Fall Of the Empires private collection
Lisa's Chair 11x14 framed matted,museum glass
Sundance 11x14 framed and matted museum glass
Hush of Snow private collection
5 o'clock tea 12x16 matted and framed
Come Sit a While private collection
Lillies and Tangerines 11x14 matted and framed
Alliums private collection
The Waning Day SOLD
Gourds and Pumpkins 11x14 framed and matted
Forest Light Giclee prints available
The Autumn of my Youth giclee print available
Wallkill River Autumn 11x14 framed
Artist's Garden 16x20 framed
Cedar Stream 16x20 framed
A Time to Plant SOLD
Zinnias SOLD
An Apple a Day SOLD
Eastern Spice SOLD
Chicken Stew private collection
Surrounded in the Stillness SOLD
Mountain Stream private collection
The Three Sisters 11x14 framed
Bloomin Ann SOLD
Over the Garden Wall 11x14 framed
Monet's Giverney private collection
Me and Molly commissioned piece
A Time to Plant SOLD
The Private Garden SOLD
Essence of Spring SOLD
Garden of Love SOLD
Gone giclee print & origional framed and matted 12x16
A Walk with Sadie private collection
Firefly July framed and matted 11x14
Hide and Seek 11x14 framed and matted
Poppies and Veggies 16x20 framed and matted
Sycamore Farm private collection
Hill Hold 12x16 framed
Summer's Splendor
Oil Paintings
Giclee Prints